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Como carregar seu smartphone corretamente - NSYS GROUP

Como carregar corretamente seu telefone

Experts of the British online publication The Independent report that according to recent studies, the systematic night charging of your smartphone leads to a sharp deterioration of the battery. Much more efficient is a daily charge, a limited amount of time.

Of course, we are not talking about the difference in voltage or other factors. Just overnight the device has time to fully charge and "stand" a few extra hours on power without the need for charging.

Why does night charging harm Your device?

Many smartphones, if actively used, require constant, daily (or even more frequent) recharging.

It is convenient to charge the battery at night-while we sleep and do not need constant handling of the phone. In General, charging at night is quite possible, the main thing is to do it correctly.

Constant pairing with the mains, without the need for charging significantly reduces the ability of the battery to save charge, and it sits down faster. If you systematically charge at night, you risk reducing the battery life without recharging to several hours of active use or standby. So much so that the smartphone will have to be charged after a 3-4 hours of active use.

Expert opinion and wireless charging systems

One of the gurus in the development of chargers — Hatem Zeine, who created wireless charging and founded the company Ossia, provides interesting statistics. According to him, if you leave your phone on the mains every day, then your smartphone will spend about three to four months on charging every year. A third of the whole year! Of course, such a long time on power significantly worsens the battery status of any smartphone or similar device.

Ossia, by the way, patented the technology of wireless charging of any gadgets within a radius of nine meters from the device. Energy is transmitted via Wi-Fi antennas or bluetooth channels, allowing you to power multiple devices in the room. This method is more convenient to use cables that tie You to the outlet, and more comfortable than induction charging Qi. The latter does not allow you to move far away from the center of the device.

How to charge your smartphone: four simple tips

So, returning to the topic of properly charging the smartphone, it should be mentioned that not only day or night, but controlled by the charging time, will help to keep the battery in excellent condition.

The first and most important rule of the correct increase of the battery level: timely disconnection from the network. Once the charge percentage is 100 %, unplug the power cord and continue using your smartphone.

Oddly enough, the second recommendation is not to charge "until it stops." You should not always strive for a one hundred percent charge indicator. Experts believe that such use worsens the condition of the battery and quite quickly.

Very unusual is the advice from the experts of the portal Battery University: they recommend to charge the device several times a day. This completely contradicts the usual ideas about charging, but it works!

In the spirit of the previous advice and the next-do not reduce the level of charge to zero daily. The acceptable frequency of full discharge of the battery is about 3-4 times a month.

The conclusion is simple - do not leave your smartphone on charge for a long time and do not forget to follow four simple tips from experts. Then any device will last you longer, and the reserves of its battery will not be spoiled in a short time.

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