NSYS Group

Журнал Handelot Times, май 2018 №7 'Emerging Beast'

As smartphone technology gets increasingly cheaper, more new devices are bought, with the exciting ones becoming involved and unwanted by their owners. If you're in on the used device side of the industry and you're looking to build a reputation rather than make a quick buck, then you're concerned with helping deliver the best possible products. The used smartphone market is growing quickly and as a result there are many business opportunities...
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Networking Convention, 26-29 апреля 2018 года, Афины

NSYS Group Team

Partners In Excellence, organized by Z Empire Investments, is one of the most beneficial and constructive networking conventions due to the fact that it covers all areas of the electronics industry such as manufacturers, operators, distributors, retailers, resellers, wholesalers and, traders, allowing you to network with new customers or suppliers.

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MWC 2018 is the world's largest event in the used mobile phones industry will place in Barcelona 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2018

NSYS Group Team

The exhibition attracts the finest and the most competitive companies of the market from all over the world. This powerful mix of capabilities lets us meet most of our valuable customers. With some of them, it will be the first face-to-face meeting after long months of successful cooperation and we really appreciate it!

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