NSYS Group

GITEX 2017, Dubai, UAE, 08-12 October 2017

GITEX is an annual consumer computer and electronics trade show. It took place in Dubai (UAE) 08-12 Oct 2017 known as a dynamic innovation hub and brought together more than 4500 exhibitors of the emerging tech that shapes the world and changes the face of our business and level of our services. Our professional team was welcome to participate. Our exhibition booth was one of the most popular there. The potential consumers could experience the brightest and the best organization. They could get involved in our processes to find out the way to raise their profit due to faster-optimised processes. Middle East region is important for us because people are willing to try new things there, it's ideal for any company to innovate there. Via the participation, we teamed up with the world's leading companies from the Middle East region to offer them our NSYS Tools software based on experts' knowledge and our hard-working experience, including modern technologies, innovations, and trends. It was an amazing journey through unbelievable tech with consumers and partners to make a step in future together. Thank you so much for trust!

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مجموعة NSYS في GITEX 2023

Reevaتعرض روبوت اختبار الهواتف NSYS Group GITEX 2023 في

Edward Belyavcev

تشارك مجموعة NSYS رؤى من وجودها في المؤثر في معرض GITEX 2023، مسلطة الضوء على استقبال الصناعة لـ Reeva، استكشف أفكارنا والنقاط المهمة من الحدث!

3 دقيقة للقراءة

عقد العاصفة الأمريكية: معرض إصلاح الأجهزة وأحداث تعطيل الأجهزة المحمولة

عقد العاصفة الأمريكية: معرض إصلاح الأجهزة وأحداث تعطيل الأجهزة المحمولة

Arina Zhuravel

يأتي حدث Mobile Disrupt في أعقاب أداء NSYS الناجح في Gadget Repair Expo. تابع القراءة لمعرفة المزيد حول رؤى معرضنا وخططه للأحداث القادمة غير المتصلة بالإنترنت!

3 دقيقة للقراءة

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